Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay about Who Killed Martin Luther King - 2620 Words

Scratching the Surface, Not Driving in Bullets or: Why White People are Such Morons A great number of people know who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was. My generation has had the opportunity to learn about his work in the civil rights movement and his â€Å"I have a Dream† speech as early as elementary school. I’d venture to say that a fewer amount of people know that this icon was assassinated and James Earl Ray, a white man, was arrested as his killer. Unfortunately, an even smaller number of people have heard of, or have read about a remarkable civil rights writer named James Baldwin. Determining whom killed Martin Luther King seems to still be an issue because of the guilt of the white man. If white men were properly educated, there†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately soon after the march began rioting and fires were quick to follow. The police even killed a seventeen year old boy a midst the chaos (Wexler 249). Determined to show this city that it was possible to a have non-violent march, King extends his stay (Wexler 249). King was originally staying at a high-class hotel called the Rivermont, but after some FBI agents allegedly â€Å"discussed leaking the news that King was staying in a white establishment, to embarrass him,† King changed where he was staying (McKinley 175). Some speculate that his new hotel was suggested so he could reside in an area where he could be more easily killed. King decided to spend the duration of his stay in a much less secure motel called the Lorraine. There are many conspiracy theories regarding King’s assassination. A source I have on King’s assassination that was copyrighted in the 70s makes it seem like after the failure of the march that King had gone back to Atlanta and the people requested King’s return and he agreed. The source I have that was published in the 90s made it seem more like King was individually determined to show that he could successfully hold a non-violent march in Memphis. I don’t know how terribly valuable this discrepancy is, but I think it’s important to note that as time passes King may at times be portrayed in an even more saintly light due to his being assassinated. In eitherShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Jr Essay1299 Words   |  6 PagesWhy was Martin Luther King Jr. such an inspiration to African Americans in America? Martin Luther King Jr. was an American minister, Civil Rights leader, and activist who had a strong belief in nonviolent protests (history. com; Martin Luther King Jr.). He was the leader behind the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington which were eventually effective and a law was passed to end racial discrimination (history.com; Martin Luther King Jr.). On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested forRead More Dr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X Essay739 Words   |  3 Pages Dr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were both black men, fighting for freedom in a white society. However, the word fighting meant different things for each of them. For Malcolm X, it literally means violence, as he believed in an eye for an eye. Martin Luther King, however, believed in peaceful protest, such as the Montgomery Bus Protests. MALCOLM X Born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925, Malcolm X was Read MoreComparing Martin Luther King And Malcolm X917 Words   |  4 Pagescontrast Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were both civil rights leaders during the 1960s, but had different ideologies on how civil rights should be won. Both men were also deeply religious, but followed different religions and paths. 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Martin Luther King Jr. is a true example of an outlier. In the early 1900s, segregation was strongly recognized in the United States, until Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for what he believed in and made a change. Although he made a differenceRead MoreMartin Luther King J. And Malcolm X Essay1547 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscrimination and disorder in the states. African Americans were fortunate to have outstanding leaders who fought for a difference and change during the Civil Rights movement. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two powerful individuals who gave hope to African Americans and oppressed people in the United States. They are both well known individuals for their Civil Rights protesting. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both spread the message about African Americans having power and strength inRead MoreThe I Have A Dream Speech1335 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican’s. Throughout the country, Americans were experiencing events of mass chaos for the first time. From assassinations of political figures, to riots and protests to end segregation were just a few of the problems that started in this year. Martin Luther King Jr. was a huge political figure in this era. He began protests and marches that lead to controversy around the United States. These marches and protests however, lead to violent acts. He also delivered the â€Å"I Have a Dream Speech† and changed

Monday, December 23, 2019

Julius Caesar - Manipulation - 1162 Words

A person of great power has a large amount of control and influence over the vast majority of the population that they lead. Often times, their leadership position was gained through manipulation of the people as they try to sell themselves to them. This manipulation also affects any competition for that leadership position because a common technique to sway someone’s opinion is to make the competition look bad which then makes the people look down on the competition, causing the opposing side’s chances of success to plummet. William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar demonstrates this as a tale of manipulation leads to the downfall of the weaker link. Cassius, Mark Antony and Julius Caesar have perfected the art of manipulation as they are†¦show more content†¦Shakespeare also demonstrates that the manipulation of a large amount of people increases the manipulator’s power because there is power in numbers and Brutus was not able to manipulate anyon e. Antony’s manipulation of the plebeians makes him stronger but it also makes Brutus, who had just as much of a chance as Antony did at latching them onto his army, weaker. Brutus’ speech is rather weak because he doesn’t go that extra mile when trying to engrave his points in the plebeian’s brain. His speech is very basic, and because the plebeians are so easy to sway, he is able to initially grab hold of their minds. After this, Antony comes up and uses many tactics for a more effective process of manipulation. First, he shoots down any positive points that Brutus made by counteracting them, and although Brutus went first, he could have tried to cover himself better, for he had to have some kind of idea where Antony would be coming from. For example, Antony mocks Brutus by saying â€Å"But Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man,† (Act III Scene II 95-96) and this, as well as his points counteracting Caesar’s ambitiousnes s, voids out Brutus’ idea of the common good in the plebeians’ minds. Antony also uses visualization as a tactic when he picks up Caesar’s mantle to show just how violent Caesar’s murder was, which again reiterates the fact that it couldn’t have been done completely for the commonShow MoreRelatedManipulation in Shakespeares Julius Caesar Essay612 Words   |  3 PagesManipulation in Shakespeares Julius Caesar William Shakespeares tragic play portraying the life in ancient Rome is one that closely follows many elements that make a drama interesting. The murders and the conspiracies behind the killings add to the plot of jealousy and patriotism. Within Julius Caesar also lies a twisted tale of attempted, actual, and forced manipulation. The first sign of attempted manipulation in this play takes place in the first scene of the first act. The RomansRead More Motivation and Manipulation in Julius Caesar Essay1845 Words   |  8 Pages In Julius Caesar, Shakespeare illuminates the themes of human motivation and manipulation. He examines the relationship between actions and motivations, cause and effect, and word and deed, using the symbols of hands and hearts. Throughout the play, the characters Brutus and Marc Antony express their different understandings of this relationship rhetorically. In his 1953 film interpretation, Joseph L. Mankiewicz demonstrates these characters’ understanding through both the play’s original dialogueRead MoreCassius Manipulation of Brutus, the Noblest Roman of Them All, in Shakespeares Julius Caesar699 Words   |  3 Pagesfilled with abhorrence and jealousy. In the play, Julius Caesar, Brutus is a Roman who is easily manipulated, decisive, and proud. These contradicting traits of Brutus show us why the reader does not want to believe that Brutus is an antagonist in the story. Brutus is shown as being easily manipulated in the play. This trait is shown a few times in the play. At the beginning, Brutus is tricked by Cassius into believing that killing Julius Caesar would be for the better of Rome (1, 2, ll. 32-321)Read MoreTheme Of Manipulation In Julius Caesar1104 Words   |  5 PagesWhen manipulation is used to achieve the goals of few, it ends up causing more damage to the lives of many. This is shown throughout the Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by guards, wives, citizens, and especially, by Cassius and Antony. Ambition is each of their flaws, and they both act as catalysts for the plot, further escalating the situation in Rome, after the death of Pompey. Wars are started, innocents are killed, and lives are ruined, due to manipulation and its impacts on others. It’s not just aRead MoreTheme Of Manipulation In Julius Caesar724 Words   |  3 Pagesshowing their true colors to benefit themselves for success. Those people also usually master deceptio n to trick others into accepting artificial personalities before revealing the truth. Shakespeare uses the character Cassius in Julius Caesar, to show how manipulation is done by demonstrating inner thoughts, the comparison of characters, and writing of letters throughout the play. For instance, the character Cassius uses his inner thoughts of to take control of Brutus’ thinking. Cassius states,Read MoreRhetoric and Betrayal in Julius Caeser Play1486 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s famous play Julius Caesar utilizes the literary element of rhetoric multiple times throughout to show the true power that words can hold. The rhetoric in Caesar accompanies the play’s themes of betrayal, deception, and exaggeration. Brutus uses rhetoric to persuade the crowd of plebeians that the murdering of Caesar was positive and beneficial to all of Rome, winning their support and causing them to join his cause. Soon after, Mark Antony gives a terrifically-persuasive speechRead MoreJulio Caesar by William Shakespeare Essay884 Words   |  4 Pagesenables responders to experience a deeper understanding of the world. This is clearly demonstrated in Shakespeare’s tragic play Julius Caesar (1599) and Jason Reitman’s satirical film Thank you for Smoking (2005). While the Elizabethan context informs Shakespeare’s differing perspectives of Caesar’s assassination in relation to human beings’ complexities and the manipulation used to gain power, centuries later, Reitman also explores the multi-faceted nature of an individual and the persuasion involvedRead MoreEssay on Shakespeare: A Master of Tragedy, As Seen in Julius Caesar1400 Words   |  6 Pagesperfect example being his infamous play Julius Caesar. Jealousy, power and war, all of which being huge bullets in the plot of the play. What to say it’s main scheme of it would have to be the conspiracy to murder the Caesar, and the conspirators that helped complete this bloody task. To do so, there were many events that led up to it, thus including the subplot. What this would’ve been most likely was Brutus’ self-struggles and inner conflicts. Julius, was defiantly not the smartest card inRead MoreJulius Caesar Power Of Spe ech921 Words   |  4 Pageshis play, Julius Caesar, in order to verify true the theme that loyalty and respect are two of the most extremely convincing tactics. He demonstrates the power of speech as he is manipulating words in order to prove a certain point in the speaker’s favor, whoever that may be. Mark Antony was a man who enjoyed spending the majority of his time at extravagant parties and receiving everything he wanted at his sudden demand. Shakespeare created Antony to be an expert in speech manipulation, which endedRead MoreThe Death Of Julius Caesar1106 Words   |  5 Pages the death of Julius Caesar became the most famous assassination in history. The death of Julius Caesar is placed in full context of Rome’s civil wars by eminent historian Barry Strauss. Moreover, the assassination itself was a complexly layered plan that was a direct result of Caesar’s power and leadership choices leading up to the fateful day. These key events leading up to the Ides of March—and the aftermath that followed—are important to understanding the immense effect Caesar s death had on

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Marketing Management- Marketing Plan Free Essays

This plan is designed to report the external and internal factors that will influence the company’s success in Haiti market. The topics covers in this plan include situation analysis, marketing strategy, tactical programs, implementation and budgets in carrying out the marketing activities which differentiate the business and product offering from our competitor and marketing strategy that drive the business to earn above average profit. 3 Company Summary 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Management- Marketing Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 Company Overview Seoul-Roy is a Haiti based restaurant serving Korean cuisine, the name Seoul-Roy is easy to remember and easy to pronounce. Seoul reflects the theme of the restaurant for serving Korean cuisine which is a famous destination in Korea, a megabits with a population of over 10 million and a leading global city in the world. Furthermore, â€Å"ROY’ means â€Å"Delicious† in southern Thai dialects, to have a name meaning â€Å"Delicious Seoul†, conveyed the message that the restaurant having very high standard food. The restaurant name Seoul-Roy will surely leave an impressive memory in potential customer first impression that will attract the customer to visit the restaurant for the first time. Seoul-Roy will be operating seven days a week inclusive public holiday in operation 365 days throughout the year to ensure that customers have the opportunity to enjoy our delicious whenever they feel like it. Seoul-Roy is a medium size restaurant enhanced with cozy, comfy, friendly, and appetite tempting atmosphere for patrons through its modern contemporary casual dining style to unearth the feeling of refreshing and energize to dinners. The facility will be divided into indoor area for customer that is seeking cool comfy ambient and outdoor area for customer seeking a breath of fresh air. The cafà © will feature seating for approximately 100 patrons, desert bar, water fountain and liquor bar. 3. 2 Location This restaurant is planned to be situated at the empty land on Outthinking Road, n Clonk Rein area which is approximately 500 m from Tests and Prince of Songbook University. With hundred and thousand of local resident, university student and shoppers from other suburb visiting this area on everyday basis, it does instigate this area to be the perfect sites in town. Page | 2 Heretofore, I nonviolent Road Is one AT ten major connector Detente ten roads on the external circuit to the Haiti city which have high traffic concentration. In spite of this, there is ample parking space along the road that makes it handy for by passer to stop for dine in and appear to be a profit potential site. Moreover, the rent in this area is much cheaper comparing to the retail shops in major shopping complex such as Tests, Big C, Lee Garden Plaza and Central. 3. 3 2. Objective The objective to startup Seoul-Roy includes the following: A. B. C. D. E. Become premier food franchise serving fusion of Korean food and Thai Food. Provide highest quality fresh and delicious food. Ensure that every prospect in promoting â€Å"Seoul-Roy’ brand are explore and implement. Maintain and expand every possibility to achieve outstanding reputations. Create an ideal working environment for employee in promoting good communication and great team work. F. Achieving profitable i nvestment return between 4-6 years. G. Achieving total daily customers of 7,000 patrons/month by the end of second year of operation. The objectives of marketing activities include: 0 To introduce Korean Cuisine to Haiti community and Songbook Province area. 0 To attract 50% of the target market and forecast potential customer. 0 To be perceived as the cleanest restaurant in the region. 0 To be perceived as restaurant serve delicious, quality, and tasty Korean cuisine in the region. 3. 4 2. 2 Vision and Mission Seoul-Roy mission is to bring to the market finest, freshest, and tastiest Fusion Korean cuisine that is inspired by a combination of Korean and Thai cuisine in the Haiti. In conjunction to Seoul-Roy high standards of quality and cleanliness will ascertain Seoul-Roy growth into a reputable premier Korean cuisine in Haiti. The mission of Seoul-Roy includes the following: Page | 3 To bring to the market finest, freshest, and tastiest Korean cuisine. To ensure that all foods are serves to its highest level of freshness, nutrition, and gastronomic. To ensure that all order are serve with efficiency and effectiveness. The value proposition that the target market will pay for this 50% premium price is the superior customer service experience and high quality Korean cuisine. The company will ensure that the restaurant is always has a clear proposition of the claimed benefit for the services and products. In this, the company will always monitor the quality of the food produce to Page | 4 Seoul-Roy marketing Plan ensure mouth watering experience is offered to the customer and consistently advertise on the value proposition of the restaurant through advertising media. Situation Analysis Situation analysis involves evaluating the situation and trends in of Korean Cuisine in Haiti City which defines and interprets the state of the environment of the organization. A situation analysis provides the context and knowledge for planning and achieve above average profit for the organization. The analysis describes Seoul- Roy competitive position, internal environment, external environment and critical issues. In portraying a clearer understanding of the situation of Korean Cuisine industry in Haiti, the report further outline SOOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the organization. The situation analysis includes in this marketing plan includes: 0 0 0 External Environment Internal Environment SOOT Analysis 5. 1 External Environment The external environment affects firm growth and profitability which also a condition that creates threats and opportunities for firms that have major effects on organization strategic actions. The organization understands of external environment coupling Walt Knowledge on Internal environment Tort Its villous to develop Its mission and to take actions that result in strategic competitiveness and above- average returns. As shown in Figure 1, an organization’s external environment is divided into three major areas which include the general, industry environment and competitor environment. The general environment is composed of dimension of broader society that influences an industry. As a result of this, the economic and population growth of Haiti will increase very rapidly. An increase people migrating to Haiti City coupling with vivid economic outlook of the city, it is righteous decision in investing in food business in Haiti City. Economic growth and population growth nutrient to better population income and demand for food as basic needs of life, therefore investing in Seoul-Roy will prove to be a successful investment. 5. 1. 1. 3 Socio-cultural Over the past decade, Korean Wave started to sweep across Asia country. The wave started with the popularity of Korean drama, Korean Language, Korean Cuisines and Handbook, the traditional Korean dress. CNN describe this phenomenon as kind of a syndrome where Asian people love to enjoy Korean stuffs. The Korean wave in Thailand got underway back in 2005 with â€Å"Dad]engaged†, a sop opera about the first female royal physician of Koreans Jones dynasty. The series gave Thailand a taste for traditional Korean culture, including Korean court cuisine and traditional medicine. Inevitably, Korean cuisine became popular and Korean culture started getting attention. As increasing growth of Korean Wave sweeping across Asia region and Thailand in particular, the startup of Korean Cuisine in Haiti which in the fourth densest city in Thailand will prove to be successful investment. 5. 1. 1. 4 laconically The increasing growth of electronic ordering system in the hospitality industry to increase employee efficiency and effectiveness has exerted a technological stress on he new establishing restaurant. Seoul will adopt ‘Gourmet Restaurant Management system standard, optional and hardware modules to manage the smooth flow of restaurant operation, promotion activities, member service and inventory management. The adoption of gourmets will enable Seoul-Roy to manage it cost effectively, carry out promotion activities smoothly and service member efficiently. 5. 1. Competitor Environment Hatchway’s Korean Cuisine industry is still emerging, there is only one competitor in the market, Domino located in Diana shopping complex which serve Korean BBC cuisine. Of course there will be minor modification on the taste of the food to suite Thai culture appetite or definition of delicious food. In spite of this there are many competitor in the market if considering Thailand as a whole, this competitor includes: 0 0 0 0 0 Hanging restaurant Sang Goon Restaurant Slang BBC Buffet Drum Restaurant Adored @ Korean Town 5. 1. Industry Environment Although there is only one establishment providing the similar service to the market in Haiti, it is important that Seoul-Roy is establish soonest possible to be the market leader in this region before any competitors enter the market. In Haiti city, the Korean Wave Syndrome has Just sweep the communities, It is essential that this company is born in nearby future in ensuring company market competitiveness. 5. 2 Internal Environment Resources, capabilities and core competencies create the foundation of competitive advantage. Resource can be classified into two main categories include tangible and intangible resource, it have to cover spectrum of individual, social and organization to Wylye competitive advantage. Capableness exalts when resources nave Eden purposely integrated to achieve a specific task or set of tasks. Capabilities are often based on developing, carrying, and exchanging information and knowledge through people in an organization. Core competencies are capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage for an individual or organization over its competitors. 5. 2. 1 Resource Resources consist of two components, one is tangible and the other is intangible. As the company is currently in the preliminary planning stage, the company only have tangible asset of Baht 20,000,000. The intangible asset consists of the knowledge and management capabilities. Furthermore, the company group of people possesses period innovation, interest and passion in the Korean food. Although in the initial establishing stage the company has to hire a professional chef from Korea in designing the menu, Seoul-Roy management personal inclusive the chairman of the company will continuing learn the technique of Korean Cuisine culinary skill in mitigating these threats of skill impotency and dependence on external resource. Page | 9 5. 2. Capabilities Although the company is currently in the preliminary planning stage, the capabilities that the company possesses include: 0 Management Information System The many possesses effective and efficient data collection and information management system that will surely increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the company staff. Management The company has the ability to envision the future of Korean Cuisine in Haiti city, background in business management, years of experience in hospitality industry and information technology will be a competitive advantage in managing the company effectively. 5. 3 SOOT Analysts Strength 0 0 0 0 0 0 Seoul-Roy exterior is tidy and clean. Food price are delicious and tasty. Offer a good choice of menu variation. Knowledge in Business Management. Seoul-Roy employs well-trained staff. Financial resource Weakness 0 Seoul-Roy is newly established in the market. 0 Low profit margin. 0 Absence of important skills. 0 Management. Opportunities 0 Growth in Haiti population. 0 Increasing influence of Korean Wave in Thailand. 0 Haiti as centre of economics and tourism in Southern Region. 0 Economy growth of Haiti ensures long-term profitability. Threats 0 Stable of political unrest in Southern region. 0 Decreasing influence of Korean Wave. 0 Economy down-turn of Haiti city. How to cite Marketing Management- Marketing Plan, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Egyptian Art Essay Example For Students

Egyptian Art Essay Egyptian Art was once considered to be unchanged, when viewing this art as a whole. Egyptian Art seems to be repetitive pattern of images and ideas. Yet all of these images are uniquely different. Ranging from 3000b.c to 50b.c. Taking the same principles through out the entire period. Which consists of Old, Middle and New Kingdoms. Each dynasty had a different addition to the basic concepts that were established in the beginning, ideas of the artist grew faster and better. Many cultures shared from the influence of Egyptian Art. Even if it was not copied, their artwork was either compared or contrasted with that of the Greeks, Romans, Summerians, Assyrians and Persians. All in one way or another form have come in contact with Egyptian Art. Art is different variations of expression, either self-expression or cultural. From painting, sculpture, architecture, to funeral preparations to pottery. Art is also a form of communication. Communicating ideas theories or even history. Expressing ideas that cannot be done with words. To take something that is thought to be intangible and shape and mold it into something that can be seen or touched. One culture takes another cultures work and either copies or changes it, to fit into their views and principles. Sometimes the artwork can be viewed differently between two cultures. Yet they can have the same purpose. For example Mycenaean tomb was compared to the tombs of the New and Middle Kingdom. The tombs were made in two separate time periods; the views of the after life are different. The perception or preparing of he the dead is similar to each other. Showing how the Egyptians had an influence on many cultures. Tombs are placing for the dead. In most cultures of the Ancient world, there were tombs. Tombs were erected and built usually for the highest official in the time period. In Egypt tombs were made, there were different types. The most famous are the pyramids. These triangular buildings were made for pharaohs. Mostly done by slave labor, these tombs were made with such preciseness that it is still not known how they were made. Tombs were reflection of the deceaseds life. It was made to reflect all the things that the person had done in order to make it in the afterlife. So these tombs were decorated with everything that would be needed for the after life. The coffin that was used for the body can be seen today in modern times. In American culture when a person dies they are put into a coffin, sometimes it reflects the person.Coffins were elaborate parts of burial procedures in Egypt. Also in modern days, statues are erected for the deceased in memory of the person or their act. Egyptia n Art is linked to Greek art. The columns that the Greeks are known for, originally have come from Egyptians, many of the building that are built in present time have origins linked to Greek Art. The Artwork of the Egyptians laid down basic steps to writing. The introduction of heliographic, which is the form of having symbols to represent thing, this is the basis of words. After many years of refinement different languages are formed from these basic heliographic. In modern day art, Egyptian style can still be traces and linked. The way that humans were represented in both a standing and a sitting manner; the details to the body, to show the parts of the body, to show the differences between man and woman, gods and humans, Egyptian art is known for its representation of the pharaohs and queens. Many things that we use today have come from the Egyptians the chest that is the basis of storage. Usually all families have one for storage, the Egyptians created this between 1500bc and 12 00bc. The chest originally were the hollow dug outs of tress, with iron place in the so that they would not break and were used for storage.Soon the design of these chests meant to have a meaning. The way in which something was carves into the chest would tell what it function was. The storage of food, or to store clothing is two examples of what the meaning meant. In addition to hieroglyphics, which were mostly done on walls, the Egyptians started to use paper, it was called papyrus and it was used to document mostly all important events and history of Egypt. Most papyrus documents have been found in Egypt, where the papyrus plant was cultivated for the manufacture of writing material and the dry climate favored preservation. Papyrus documents have been found dating from as early as about 2600b.c. .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 , .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .postImageUrl , .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 , .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9:hover , .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9:visited , .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9:active { border:0!important; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9:active , .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9 .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf329c4e6c284b33b5e2bc29ea605a3b9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Satire and Humor In Chaucer8217s Canterbury Ta EssayWhen it comes to art and painting the Egyptians had a certain style, it was perspective, which was originated by the Chinese. Perspective is the method of graphically depicting three-dimensional objects and spatial relationships on a two-dimensional plane or on a plane that is shallower than the original (for example, in flat relief). The Egyptians used perspective when drawing images. Many Egyptian paintings and drawings, for example, show the head and legs of a figure in profile, while the eye and torso are shown frontally). This system produces not the illusion of depth but the sense that objects and their surround ings have been compressed within a shallow space behind the picture plane. As artist today we still use this style of perspective drawing. Not exactly the same as the Egyptians, the concept is still there.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Pesticides Effects Essays - Biocides, Soil Contamination

Pesticides Effects There are many important issues in the world regarding the environment and it's affects on the average person. Though, the one that hits closest to home, worldwide, is the trust that individuals have in the food that they consume. Yet pesticides are still found daily in foods all around the world. Pesticides are toxins that are used by produce growers universally to control pests that can destroy crops. These toxins are being ingested by humans in the forms of fruits and vegetables that have remaining toxins on them. How safe are these toxins to humans and what is being done to safeguard the environment as well as the health of individuals? Does the average person consume harmful amounts of poison at every meal? If the levels are unsafe, why is this problem continuing to get a blind eye from the people who are supposed to protect society? These questions when asked only lead to more questions. Until things are done to change the systems of pesticide usage universally, society can never be sure as to the long term effects on our environment and what they are eating or giving to the future of our world, the children. In some foreign countries pesticides are used more frequently with legislative control than in the United States. In Mexico and South America, for example, many of the pesticides that the United States and Europe have banned, wind up being used on a majority of their produce crops. The largest problem with this is that Europe and the United States import from South America for produce all of the time. What good does it do to ban harmful agricultural chemicals to be used on domestically grown crops if crops in other countries are grown with these same harmful chemicals, and are then allowed to be imported? Mexico and South America are the leading suppliers of produce for the earth's population because their climate is very conducive to year around crops. Unfortunately those countries are also known for their large amount of insects of all varieties. These insects are steadily becoming more and more immune to toxins that are sprayed on crops. More than five hundred insects, one hundred and fifty plant diseases and two hundred and seventy weeds are now resistant to pesticides. Results are that U.S. growers as well, are steadily forced to apply more and stronger toxins. As the amount and the strength of the toxin increases, the immunity of the targeted insects to these toxins also increases. Total U.S. crop losses from insect damage has nearly doubled since 1945. Insecticide use during this same time has increased tenfold. This war will go on being waged until the game plan is changed. The produce export trade in some cities and countries constitutes the majority of their economy and they will protect the resulting income at all costs. These places have very little legislation to control chemical usage, and follow up on almost none of its effects. Officials do not care how it affects consumers, being adults or children. Even their own agricultural worker's health is of no concern. These officials only care about producing crops and exporting them with as little overhead as possible. The bottom line is, always has been, and always will be money. In Villa Juarez, Mexico, many children who work in the produce fields are coming down with mysterious illnesses and some people in this region put the blame directly on those children's contact with the chemical acephate and other pesticides that are used in that area. The use of acephate is illegal in the United States, but is perfectly legal in Mexico. Doctors in Juarez are treating unusually high amounts of cancer and also fifty to eighty cases of chemical poisoning per week in their agricultural workers. This continues to happen because the government and the growers do not take these illnesses seriously; the workers are expendable. Growers in Culcan Valley, Mexico use chemicals to increase production of produce sold in the U.S. every winter. Unfortunately, studies that were preformed by the Government Accounting office in Mexico showed that at least six pesticides that are illegal in the U.S. were still on the produce when it was exported. Moving on to South America, in Chile there are no clear guidelines governing the use of agricultural chemicals on produce crops. In the city of Rancaga, a large fruit growing region, a study was done to check the risks that rural workers face, and what they found was astounding. Dr. Maria Mella found that there is

Monday, November 25, 2019

Informative Speech Diabetes Essay Essays

Informative Speech Diabetes Essay Essays Informative Speech Diabetes Essay Essay Informative Speech Diabetes Essay Essay Essay Topic: Best Worst American Stories Informative I. Attention-getting device: Turning up. I visited my household in Boston every summer. It was one of those summer yearss when the scariest thing of all time happened to me. My Cousin like many others was born with type 2 diabetes. It was a normal. searing hot twenty-four hours when my Cousin ( Logan ) . my Brother ( Anthony ) and I were angling in a nearby pool. We ever packed Logan a safety back pack that was full of the things he might necessitate in instance of an exigency such as ; sugar-free bites and drinks every bit good as bites and drinks with sugar. his blood glucose supervising kit. and insulin shootings. Leaving the house I thought I was prepared for anything but I was non prepared for the worst. After an hr or so my Cousin began so say â€Å"he was crashing. † non cognizing precisely what he meant I merely brushed it off and the following thing I knew I looked over and he was out on the grass. Wordss can non truly depict how I began to experience but I knew I had to make something and speedy or else I might free my Cousin. Logan had no sugar in his organic structure and crashed merely like he said. Thankfully. he was really knowing on his status and walked me through the stairss as best he could. I hate acerate leafs but I had to give him his insulin shooting in order to maintain him alive. II. Background: Diabetes day of the months back to 5000 bce being one of the oldest diseases known to scientific discipline. It was described by ancient Egyptians as a disease with frequent micturition. Diabetes as we know it today was normally called The â€Å"Sweet Water† Disease in 100 ad. The disease was coined by Grecian doctor. Areteus who used the Grecian word â€Å"siphon† or â€Å"going through† and the Latin word Mellitus significance â€Å"sweet† was added because those diagnosed with diabetes their piss was sweet. In the 1800s the first chemical trial for mensurating sugar in piss was discovered but until so physicians would name those with diabetes by really savoring the patient’s piss for sugariness. III. Relevance: Although we may non all have diabetes in this schoolroom diabetes is a immense menace to planetary wellness that is going a rapid epidemic throughout our universe that touches all age groups. Harmonizing to the American Diabetes Association there are 23. 6 million or 8 % people in the United States population who have diabetes IV. Establish credibleness: I could sit here all twenty-four hours and state you that none of us in this room will contract any signifier of diabetes but in actuality that would be a prevarication. After extensively researching diabetes I’ve come to the decision that diabetes is a serious menace that engulfs a huge bulk of our population today. V. Thesis: Although diabetes is an incurable disease that affects a big sum of our population today but if we are good informed we can do smart determinations to forestall and keep this disease 10/8/2008VI. Preview: In order for us to go informed about diabetes there are a few things that we need to understand and today I will explicate three facets of it: A. What diabetes is/background information B. Complications of diabetesC. What we can make to forestall and keep normal blood glucose degrees TRANSITION: First. we must understand precisely what diabetes agencies and the types of diabetes to foster our cognition on the issue. Body A. What is diabetes?a ) Harmonizing to Francine Kaufman and Janet Silverstein at the Center for Diabetes this status is defined as the procedure in which our organic structures produce excessively much blood sugar or blood glucose. Sugars come from the nutrients we eat that we need to fuel our organic structures. Our blood contains glucose because we need this for energy but diabetes patients have excessively much glucose in their organic structures which is unhealthy. B ) Types of Diabetes I. Pre-Diabetes: When blood glucose degrees are higher than physicians would usually wish but non high plenty to be diagnosed as diabetes. Harmonizing to the American Diabetes Association there are 57 million people in the United States diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Research has shown that if blood glucose is monitored closely at the pre-diabetes phase. type 2 diabetes can perchance be dodged. II. Type 1: Normally begins all of a sudden before the age of 20. Caused by a mixture of different familial abnormalcies and environmental triggers. It causes the organic structure to assail the pancreas doing it unable to bring forth insulin. Person with type 1 diabetes will necessitate to acquire their insulin from shootings or pumps everyday. Type 1 diabetes merely histories for approximately 5 % of the instances in the United States harmonizing to Harvard Health Watch. III. Type 2: The pancreas can still bring forth some insulin but the cells can non utilize it. Person with type two will necessitate to take insulin or pills to assist modulate the insulin in your organic structure. Those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes normally do non contract it from their cistrons it is based more on lifestyle factors with fleshiness being the chief subscriber. Harmonizing to Harvard Health Watch more than 90 % of diabetics have type 2 diabetes. IV. Gestational Diabetes: Occurs merely in pregnant adult females. After bringing. a Mother’s blood sugar degree returns to normal but the female parent every bit good as her kid have a high hazard of developing type 2 diabetes in the hereafter. TRANSISTION: Keeping diabetes under control can cut down the hazard of future complications. Harmonizing to the American Diabetes Association. unhappily. non many know they have diabetes until they encounter one or many of these complications. B. Complications of diabetesThere are many associated hazards with diabetes that are serious and can sometimes ensue in decease. Just to call a few: kidney disease. sightlessness. bosom disease. shot. high blood force per unit area. dental disease. nervous system disease. complications of gestation. and amputations. 65 % of deceases occur from bosom disease and shot among grownups with diabetes. TRANSISTION: It is obvious that the complications associated with diabetes can be chilling and life endangering but there are many ways to maintain your diabetes under control and prevent diabetes from come ining your life style. C. What we can make to prevent/maintain normal blood glucose degrees For those who are diagnosed with diabetes you can take some steps to maintain your status in line by take parting in regular physical activities. have a healthy repast program. keep a healthy weight. and command your blood sugar degrees by taking medicines instructed by physician ( s ) . We can all as college pupils take preventive steps to halt diabetes from happening in our lives. Although it may be difficult being off from Mom’s place cookery this can be done by doing healthy eating picks. increasing our physical activity. along with moderate intoxicant ingestion. TRANSISTION: By better apprehension diabetes and going knowing on the effects of diabetes we can prevent/maintain it. Decision I. Restatement of thesis: Diabetes is an incurable disease that affects a big sum of our population today but if we are good informed we can do smart determinations to forestall and keep this disease II. Closing: There is no remedy for diabetes therefore far but those diagnosed can still populate a long healthy life if they take attention of themselves. To better understand diabetes we need to acknowledge the four different types of diabetes ; pre-diabetes. type one. type two. and gestational diabetes. go educated on the complications of diabetes. and recognize what we can make to forestall and keep diabetes. Mentions American Diabetes Association. . ( n. d. ) . Diabetes Statistics. Retrieved Oct. 6. 2008. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. diabetes. org/home. jspKreiter. T. ( 2008. March ) . CHASING DIABETES AROUND THE WORLD. Saturday Evening Post. 280 ( 2 ) . 84-88. Retrieved October 6. 2008. from Academic Search Premier database.Preventing diabetes. Part I: Understanding and naming the disease. ( 2007. June ) . Harvard Men’s Health Watch. Retrieved October 6. 2008. from Academic Search Premier database.Turkoski. B. ( 2006. May ) . Diabetes and Diabetes Medications. Orthopaedic Nursing. 25 ( 3 ) . 227-231. Retrieved October 6. 2008. from Academic Search Premier database.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Simulation - Essay Example Now the application of cost accounting system came into practices for the fact that that the firm had to come up with a decision i.e. whether to accept this order or otherwise, since bulk orders go for discounted prices, but the exceptional quantity makes the fixed cost distribute over larger volumes. Number cracking leads to the conclusion that the contribution margin and operating profits from lemon cookies are lesser when compared to the real mint ones. So the suggestion came out was to reduce the volume of lemon ones and increase those of real mint, as it would also accommodate the order. In realistic terms, the application should be otherwise, since the unit contribution margin for lemon cookies is on the higher side. At the same time, any order cannot be accepted at a point in time when production capacity is already on maximum utilization point, since it implies the inability of the firm to cater to the order. Along the similar line, the order should not also be considered because the selling price per unit for the bulk order is the one at which contribution margin is less than the fixed costs incurred so it makes less sense to accept the order under such a circumstance despite the fact that the contribution margin would yet be greater than zero, but would result in a loss for the business. Subsequently, it doesn't turn out to be worth for fulfilling the order. Some more facts reveal that the break-even point for the lemon cookies is around 563,000 packs. The current manufacturing is around 600,000 packs, which turns the cycle into a profitable one, as it goes beyond the breakeven, and this manufacturing is around the same marks as the production requirements and monthly targets. However, increasing the break-even volume to 650,000, would not be profitable, despite the firm bring in operating profits. Though in doing this, the existing unit may be forced to reduce its volumes for lemon cookies, as the variable cost per unit for lemon is on the higher side. These were some outcome from the simulation conducted, however, the three major learning points were the taking up of key figures of fixed costs, variable costs and breakeven point. These are the major constituents of cost for running a business. Majority of the costs are easily observable and thus, can be quantified to ensure that their relationship with the level of output can be determined in direct form or otherwise (Costs, 2005, para. 1 and 2). Fixed and Variable costs are the basic bifurcation or classification of costs in a business, while break-even point determines the zero profit/loss levels and beyond this point, is all the profit a firm earns from its operations. Fixed costs remain same irrespective of the volume of output, while variable costs vary with the level of output produced (Marshall, McManus and Viele, 2004, pg. 417). There is another category of costing referred to as mixed cost, and this is a form that contains elements of both fixed and variable costs. The most classical examples are bills that contain a line rent (fixed part) and a unit based rental (variable part). The analyses of all these costs are done

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Life-Span View Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Life-Span View - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the researcher’s life dates back when she was a little girl. She was a jovial and playful baby. The people around me were truthful which led to the elemental sense of my trustworthiness. The researcher depended on her mother and her father for care, comfort, and sustenance. By this time, the author’s relative comprehension of the world came from her parents, particularly her mother, and their interactions with her. The researcher’s parents’ regularity, warmth, and reliable fondness exposed her to a world ruled by the trust. There was no point in the author’s life that her parents failed to offer a secure surrounding to meet her basic need. Just like noted under Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, this would have created mistrust which would have resulted in suspicions, lack of confidence, withdrawal and frustration to me. The researcher’s parents were the regular sources of comfort, food, love, which taught her to trust. As the author grew older, she started to choose clothes by herself. By the age of 3, the author had gained control over eliminative roles and would make choices in her life and explored the environment around her. Needless to say, her parents still provided a secure environment where the author would carry out her own activities at will. The researcher’s patients were patient and would wait to look at her choices and would correct her if I had gone wrong at some point. At this time of the researcher’s life, she had developed a strong interest in music and played with the radio. The author would put some loud music which her parents would control by informing her to reduce the high volume. The author was able to feed herself now and would wash her clothes and use the bathroom on her own. Between the age of 3 and 6 years, the author was imaging much. She would take on tasks just because she had been active. The researcher was slowly learning t he world around her and learning numerous basic principles. The researcher would tie her shoes and tie her school tie and would speak effectively with her parents without any problems. The author did not like being idle and would felt guilty if it happened. The author felt the urge to help her mother with her household chores. The author would also feel bad if she did something and was not productive as she had anticipated.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Trisomy 18 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Trisomy 18 - Essay Example The incidence of the condition during first trimester scanning is 1 in 400 (Chen, Emedicine). There is a strong female predominance with more than 80 percent of the detected cases being females. The condition does not have any racial predilection(Chen, Emedicine). 95 percent of pregnancies with trisomy 18 embryos spontaneously abort. Of the remaining which are born, only 5-10 percent survive beyond the first year of life. Thus, the mortality rate of this condition is very high. The mortality rate is because of the severely malformed organs like the heart, kidney and the brain, feeding problems, high rates of infection and breathing difficulties. The longest survival reported for this condition so far is 27 years (Chen, Emedicine). The condition is detectable in the prenatal period. Some of the features which point to the possibility of trisomy 18 are maternal polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, very small placenta, single umbilical artery, intrauterine growth retardation, fetal distress, defective fetal reflexes and decreased fetal activity. In the postnatal period, the clinical condition is obvious because of the array of clinical features. The new born usually has generalized hypotonia, apnea, jitteriness and seizures. The child will have marked failure to thrive, recurrent apnoiec episodes and poor feeding (Chen, Emedicine). On examination several organ defects will be obvious. The child may have defects of the skull manifesting as microcephaly, wide fontanellaes, prominent occiput, elongated skull or even narrow bifrontal diameter. Facial deformities include microphthalmia, micrognathia, microstomia, short palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, choanal atresia, periauricular tags, and narrow palatal arch. S evere skeletal deformities exist including growth retardation, radial hypoplasia, clenched hands, syndactyly, rocker bottom feet, narrow pelvis, talipes equinovarus, etc. Typical of the clenched fingers include "overlapping digits, with the second and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sexual Selection and Human Evolution Theories

Sexual Selection and Human Evolution Theories Miller, G.F. A review of sexual selection and human evolution: How mate choice shaped human nature Natural selection shapes species to adapt to their environments and arises from individual differences in survival ability- cannot favour ornamental traits that decrease survivorship. However, it is not sufficient to account for male traits such as peacocks tail that do not enhance survivorship but rather jeopardize it. Darwin argued that in species with sexual reproduction traits that improved ones chances in mate competition were selected for regardless of their negative effects for survival. Furthermore, Darwin emphasized the importance of female choice and male competition within the sexual selection because the former evokes the latter. However, Darwin does not investigate the origins of female preference (Ridley, M). Sexual selection was neglected for a long time because it implied the major evolutionary importance of female choice and it was not well accepted by the contemporaries of Darwin. Darwin: evolution is differential reproduction rather than differential reproduction. Novel concept. Hard to do mathematical analysis. Alfred Russell Wallace who wrote about natural selection at the same time with Darwin believed that exaggerated male ornaments and traits did not have an adaptive purpose and did not result from female choice but from good health and genes that allowed males to spend resources on display. He suggested that females are under stronger natural selection to have less ornamentation to avoid attention from predators because they spend lot of time near their offspring (Miller, 2000). Fisher (1930) believed that mate selection criteria were biological and thus, under natural selection. He suggested that male sexual ornaments served as indicators of high fitness and good genetic quality and would be selected by females (Miller, 2000). Furthermore, he coined the term runaway sexual selection, which suggests an evolutionary feedback mechanism where female preferences reinforce and perpetuate the traits selected for in males. In the case of runaway selection females choose to mate with males who display a certain trait, subsequently, it will be passed on to the offspring who will then have the trait that makes them more attractive mates. This ultimately leads to phenomenon such as peacocks tail. In Fishers model the male trait was not deleterious at the start but with females preferring a particular characteristic it passed its optimum cost-benefit ratio, and ultimately, costly traits arise as the outcome of runaway sexual selection (Ridley). Zahavi. Trivers (1972) was the first to explain the different intensity of sexual selection in males and females through unequal amount of parental investment. The production of gametes is more costly and time-consuming than that of sperm. Also, females invest more resources into offspring, therefore, they must be choosy and by mating with high-quality male they enhance the quality of their offspring. Since the number of available females limits male reproduction success males have to court and compete for the females. Trivers suggested that the level of competition among males is correlated with the imbalance of parental investment. For example, there is a great difference in body size between male and female elephant seals where one male can guard 40 females, resulting in strong male-male competition. (Le Boeuf, 1974). Trivers theory can be applied to bird species like pharalorpes and wading birds where it is the females who are bigger, more colourful and aggressive compete with each other for males and males take care of the offspring (Jenni, 1974). Importance of sexual selection theory: it was disregarded for the most part of 20th century and many science and humanities subjects were advanced without taking sexual selection into account, thus, many theories may need to be revised. Ridley, M., 1993, Evolution, Ch12 Adaptations in sexual reproduction Traits that reduce survivorship are deleterious and are mainly present in males as secondary sexual characteristics that are not actually necessary for reproduction; however, they may give an advantage in mate competition with other males. The most famous example of secondary sexual characteristics is peacocks tail but also colourful plumage of birds, big antlers in elks etc. Although these traits are costly they have not been eliminated by natural selection. Darwins sexual selection theory suggests that the disadvantages in having elaborate secondary sexual characteristics are evened out because they convey a benefit in gaining access to females and increasing reproductive success. Darwin distributes sexual selection into two categories: male competition and female choice. Darwin argued that secondary sexual characteristics would be more developed in polygamous species where typically one male mates with several females because the selection for male traits that enhance reproduction will be greater. He provided evidence for sexual selection by comparing polygamous and monogamous species and showed that in the former males tend to have brighter colouring, ornaments and larger bodies whereas in the latter males and females differ less. Another theory that tries to explain mate choice criteria is Zahavis handicap theory (Zahavi, 1975). According to this, only males with good genes can survive with a handicapping trait, such as peacocks tail and females will prefer to mate with them. Selection will favour males with handicap traits if their good genes outweigh the cost of the trait. The high cost of handicapping character makes it an honest indicator of males quality. In his model the preferred male trait was costly to begin with and the expense did not change as the trait became more desired in females. Archer,J, Lloyd, B, 2002, Sex and gender, Ch 3 Origins Sexual selection entails female choice and females should choose mates according to their ability to provide the female and her offspring with resources and protection. Buss (1989) studied human mate preferences in 37 cultures and concluded that there is a strong trend for females valuing mates with greater financial capacity, ambition and sense of entrepreneurship. Archer and Lloyd suggest that this is consistent with Triverss theory where females are interested in finding a partner who would be able to invest more parental care into offspring by providing resources. Males preferred physical attractiveness and youth, which are traits correlated with reproductive capacity (Buss, 1989). Miller, G.F., 2000, The mating mind: How sexual choice shaped the evolution of human nature Darwin became interested in different animal ornamentation that he encountered on his around-the-world-trip on the board of the Beagle. In 1871 he published The decent of man, and selection in relation to sex where amongst other topics he wrote about sexual selection. Sexual selection shapes each sex in relation to the other sex. Many of Darwins ideas were attacked but after a century it was rediscovered. Dawkins, R., 1989, The selfish gene, Battle of the sexes One of the main female strategies of reproduction is that instead of expecting help from the male to raise the offspring the female prefers good genes instead. If a female can detect good quality males by using visual cues than her offspring will receive on better genetic material. By doing so the likelihood of her genes to survive increases too. Emlen, S.T., Oring, L.W., 1977, Ecology, sexual selection and the evolution of mating systems Environmental factors affect the development of mating systems and ultimately the intensity of sexual selection. Fitness is a measure for individuals reproductive success in relation to that of other individuals. Male reproductive success is limited by the access to females, whereas female reproductive success is determined by the available resources. Subsequently, if females limit the reproduction of males then the competition and sexual selection will intensify in males. The ability of a male to protect territory or other resources attracts more females and causes differences in the mating success of other males. The presence of polygamous and monogamous mating systems depends on environmental factors such as the availability of receptive mates and the distribution of resources in time and space, which affects their defensibility. Polygamy is more common in species where one sex is does not invest parental care, and thus, can spend time and energy on defending resources and competi ng for mates. Emlen and Oring (1977) suggest that sexual selection is stronger in polygamous species than in monogamous species. They point out that the more one sex manages to monopolize resources the stronger becomes sexual selection and the more likely is the development of polygamous mating system. Moreover, the mating system can differ between populations of the same species due to variations in environmental setting, population structure and density, amount and distribution of resources that all change the potential of monopolization. Andersson, M., Iwasa, Y., 1996, Sexual selection Sexual selection occurs through competition over mates, which is also the underlying factor of different mechanisms of sexual selection. Andersson and Iwasa (1996) list these different mechanisms: firstly, female and male choice of mate that has been demonstrated in numerous studies acts to favour traits that attract mates from the opposite sex; secondly, contests that can take the form of direct fighting and favour traits such as large body size, physical stamina, weaponry and other characteristics that enhance fighting ability in the competing sex; thirdly, endurance rivalry that promotes traits to retain reproductive activeness for longer to increase the possibility of mating. Furthermore, they also suggest scramble competition that promotes traits that help in finding the mate before others, such as earlier maturation or better locomotion skills. In addition, other mechanisms are infanticide, coercion and sperm competition. As Andersson and Iwasa (1996) point out, the majority of research has concerned mate choice and mate competition, whereas other mechanisms of sexual selection remain poorly examined. Owens and Thompson (1994) suggest that optimal mate choice is a trade-off between the number of mates and their quality. They argue that both males and females can be picky; however, the selection will be greater in the sex with higher reproductive rate. Batemans gradient explains the differential intensity of sexual selection in males and females. In his studies with Drosophila, Bateman showed that sexual selection is typically stronger in males because the number of offspring fathered by a male increases proportionally with the number of males, whereas the number of offspring remains the same for the female regardless of the amount of males she mates. Male secondary sexual characteristics may become more pronounced if they increase their reproductive success, although if it reduces the overall viability. The costs of these characteristics include higher threat of predation; large bodies pose higher energetic demands and increase the likelihood of starvation during the growth period; competition may lead to injuries and death. Thus, the extent of secondary sexual characteristics is limited by their costliness and by sexual selection itself if one favoured trait starts to compromise another selected trait. Sexual selection affects the genetic make-up of the offspring and thus, is an important factor in evolution. It is currently very difficult to discriminate between the different mechanisms of sexual selection and their importance.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The United States in the Vietnam War Essay -- Essays Papers

The United States in the Vietnam War Many soldiers have been lost in the different wars that the United States has been involved. Although there have been many wars only one is unique from the others, it is known as the war that was never won or lost. The Vietnam War started out as a conflict but soon escalated into a full-fledged war. Many soldiers have been lost in the Vietnam War. The United States sent many soldiers into the jungles of Indochina trying to stop the spread of communism from the North Vietnamese. It all seems clear-cut, with the motives and sides easily seen but as the war lagged on, it seemed that the United States became involved, and essentially needed a draft. The United States involvement in the Vietnam War became greater as the drudgery of the war progressed. With more increased support it seemed as though the United States was making a difference, but many thought it was a lost cause. The United States became involved in the Vietnam War as early as the Geneva Accords in 1953. The Geneva accords basically stated that Vietnam was to hold elections to unify the country. These were drawn just after the Korean War. The French were initially involved and requested the support of the U.S. When the conflict began the U.S. sent in mostly ground troops and officers, it was a limited amount. "According to the terms of the Geneva Accords, Vietnam would hold national elections in 1956 to reunify the country"-Brigham, 1. The French and the British were both ready for the treaty to be signed and the conflict finally ended -Hess, 47. The Eisenhower administration used SEATO only as a way of stalling. They had basically, through the work on SEATO, created a whole new country out of the remains of the old Vietnam -Br... ...sed his popularity in office -Hess, 117. The United States had many fallen soldiers in the Vietnam War. Many people think that it was not the United States’ place to go into Vietnam and prevent the spread of communism from the North to South. Many French troops were stationed in the Jungles of Indochina and it was believed that they could take care of the crisis that was growing in Asia. What started out as a relief campaign, only sending minimal forces to Vietnam turned into a war with over 550,000 United States troops. The gradual introduction of troops to Vietnam, the Tet offensive, and Vietnamization were all major aspects of the war that the United States was drawn into. It is still considered by many as the war that no one has won, and maybe if the Eisenhower administration had not sent troops in initially, a lot of American soldier’s lives would be saved.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Against School: A Corrupted System

The educational systems purpose is to prepare people with the necessary skills and knowledge so that they can excel and function properly in today’s society. John T. Gatto challenges that idea and begs the question is 12 compulsory years of standard schooling consisting of six classes a day, five days a week, nine months a year needed? Gatto refers to George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln as they were not formally schooled and yet were very successful. According to Gatto’s, there are three main purposes to formal schooling, â€Å"1) To make good people, 2) To make good citizens, and 3) to make each person his or her best. † (Gatto 3) Gatto believes that the current educational system actually contradicts these three ideals. He claims that there are six basic yet specific functions that intend to hold back and limit the progress and overall success of a student. Of the six functions there are three serve specifically to limit and hinder a students progress. The diagnostic and directive functions, the differentiating function, and the propaedeutic function all seemingly serve to cripple a students success but when analyzed some do hold some truth but in the end they are merely irrational and ridiculous accusations made by Gatto. The diagnostic and directive functions are defined as a litmus test to test where a particular student â€Å"fits† in society based on grade percentages. These percentages are logged and stored permanently in our student records which are then passed on the post secondary schools to place students in their â€Å"proper societal roles† (4). During my freshman and sophomore years in high school I can not help but remember teachers classifying â€Å"ap† students and high academic achievers as those who were going to be â€Å"successful†. My math teacher often referred to more difficult questions as the â€Å"doctor† or â€Å"lawyer† question in an attempt to scale the difficultly of the question. What if one can not do the question? Does that mean that person should be classified as remedial or can not attain the success of a doctor or lawyer? Of course not, the simple idea of that is completely irrational. However, once reassessing and making them less extreme, Gatto’s diagnostic and directive functions can be found anywhere in the academic system whether it be perquisite knowledge for grade twelve programs or university entrance. While this function may seem absurd, Gatto’s differentiating function is one that can be related to actual everyday life. The differentiating function is a more practical function. It states that, â€Å"once a student’s role has been â€Å"diagnosed† through standardized testing, they are to be sorted by role, and trained only so far as their destination in the social machine merits. † (5) The functions practical use is especially seen in post secondary schooling where a more refined and â€Å"specialized training† takes place. We see this in any standard entry test for a specific program such as the SAT, LSAT or MCAT. Based on a students performance on these forms of testing they are then place in their respective programs allow them to focus specifically on areas of study that are important to them. At my old high school there was a standard entry test, SSAT, that examined various categories of schooling (math, reading, writing etc†¦) Depending on how you did on the test would determine not only whether or not you are eligible for acceptance but whether or not you qualify to take ap courses, because if u do not posses the proper knowledge taking a more advanced course would be counter-productive and in fact hurt your academic career. Once one has analyzed the differentiating function there is some truth to it but when one looks at the propaedeutic function, it is completely incorrect. The propaedeutic function is completely incorrect and misleading. According to Gatto, the purpose of the propaedeutic is to create a class of â€Å"elite caretakers †¦ taught to manage this project, how to watch over and control a population deliberately dumbed down and declawed† (5) He’s saying that those who already control the population are going to educate children so that when they grow up they can control the population and train more children to do the same. At this point it seems like Gatto is trying to throw something that is completely and utterly irrational out there trying to catch people off guard and hope to attract some followers. The simple thought that people were training young children to know how to manipulate people in such a way that they simply do not challenge authority and do exactly as their told to is ridiculous. At no point in my life have I ever felt that someone or an organization is trying to limit my personal abilities to comply with this absurd function. Teachers constantly enthuse student to be all they can and achieve as high as they can, not that its ok if u cant because we already got it figured out. While other of Gatto’s functions may have held some truth this particular function is completely incorrect Gatto believes that those who control the way society runs are trying to create a norm in the educational system. That student’s are pre-destined before they are given the ample chance to excel and achieve. Gatto explains that schools traditionally have three purposes: 1) To make good people; 2) To make good citizens; 3) To make each student find some particular talents to develop as best they can. These are all fine standards but because of government schools have become prison like even in there cell block style construction. Gatto’s approach is very liberal and has opened my eyes to certain matters especially the way that educational system is poorly constructed (with it being bases on grades) and how it is mismanaged leading to sub-par performance and disappointing â€Å"success† rates. It is this poorly constructed system and a corrupted way of running it is what I think Gatto was truly trying to revile.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Darwin and Marx essays

Darwin and Marx essays After the French Revolution, the second half of the nineteenth century was dominated by science and industrialization. New ideas began to form in the progressively secular culture. Realism, positivism, Darwinism, Marxism, and liberalism all reacted against romantic, religious, and metaphysical interpretations of nature and society and focused on the empirical world (Perry, pg. 585). Darwinism and Marxism were the main points discussed during this time. Darwinism, named after Charles Darwin (1809-1882), was one of the most important advances in our scientific view of the world. Darwin did for biology what Newton had done for physics: he made it an objective science based on general principles (Perry, pg. 592). He formulated most of his ideas during a five-year expedition to the South Pacific. His theories on evolution were taken from similarities he observed between extinct and living species. His evolutionary ideas were placed into two of his books, the Origin of Species and the Descent of Man. Darwins theory convinced many on how there is a large diversity between different species in a short time period. Another one of his key ideas was adopted from the Malthusian idea that reproduction by a species is quicker than the food that particular species consumes. Finally, all of his ideas formed one main concept, explained in four simple words: survival of the fittest. Like most other radical thinkers before him, Darwins theor ies were contrary to Christian beliefs. One theologian declared, If the Darwinian theory is true, Genesis is a lie, the whole framework of the book of life falls to pieces, and the revelation of God as man, as we Christians know it, is a delusion and a snare. (Perry, pg. 593). Darwinism changed peoples way of looking at religion as a form of reason and transformed it into the faith that it is today. Marxism, named after Karl Marx (181...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Treatments of Hodgkin essays

The Treatments of Hodgkin essays The Treatments of Hodgkins Disease Hodgkins disease is a form of cancer that effects the lymphatic system, a part of the immune system that helps fight diseases and infections. It is a disease with three different types of treatments. The treatments of Hodgkins disease are radiation, chemotherapy, and in some cases, a bone When the disease is confined to a certain area of the body, radiation therapy is the treatment of choice. Radiation therapy is a beam of strong radiation aimed at the affected area to kill cancer cells. Radiation not only kills bad cells in the body, it also kills good cells, causing short-term or long- term effects. Some long-term effects include breast cancer, lung cancer, thyroid problems, dental problems, and problems with immune system function. Some short-term side effects include nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, dry mouth, redness of skin, sore throat, and hair loss. Of course, the short-term side effects will go away once the radiation treatment has stopped. Depending on the stage of the disease, the length of the radiation treatment The most common treatment for Hodgkins disease is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses certain chemicals specifically prepared to kill tumor cell. The different types of chemicals used to treat Hodgkins disease are dacarbazine, vinblanstine, bleomycin, doxorubicin, corticosteriods, procarbazine, vincristine, and mechlorethamine. Like radiation, chemotherapy not only kills bad cells in the body, it also kills the good cells, causing short- term and long-term side effects. Some long-term side effects include heart damage, secondary cancers, kidney damage, and liver damage. Some short- term side effects include nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, and decreased ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Couseling theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Couseling theories - Essay Example The Adlerian approach, on the other hand, stresses on social context and lifestyle of human beings that can help them cope with their problems. It also deals with the significance of early experiences and family constellations in the life of an individual. The Gestalt approach emphasizes on the improvement of the whole rather than enhancing separate parts of the individual to help people cope with their problems. Similarly, it aims at incorporating feelings, cognitions, beliefs, and perceptions and past, present and future occurrences to facilitate in developing self-awareness and desired life needs. Counseling Theories Counseling is a commonly used expression, but it usually means different things to different people. Generally, counseling is explained as encompassing a counseling relationship in which an expert interacts with a person or group of people who are looking for help in dealing with problems and making changes in their lives (Corey, 2000). A number of theories usually di rect the process of counseling, assisting in the understanding of behavior and designing of intervention programs that hold promise for achieving the desired outcomes. Theories vary based on numerous aspects. A few need an active participation of the therapist, while others place more responsibility on the client. A few emphasize on transforming cognitive activity, while others emphasize on observable behavior or inner feelings. Theories also differ in where they think most of the action occurs: the present, the past or the future (Sharf, 1999). Within counseling, psychoanalytically and psychodynamically based interventions are illustrious due to focus on the significance of early experience and the role of unconscious mental functioning. In the psychoanalytical approach, individuals are mainly determined by early experiences and unconscious forces and conflicts are fundamental in the existing behavior. According to the psychoanalytic perspective, illogical forces are powerful and t he individual is motivated by sexual and aggressive impulses. Psychoanalysts postulate that early development is of great significance because later personality issues are embedded in repressed childhood conflicts. The main idea of this perspective is that regular personality development is founded on successful working out and combination of psychosexual stages of development. On the other hand, damaged personality development is due to poor resolution of certain stage (Ricu, 2003). Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic interventions are formulated to bring about transformation in an individual’s personality and character. In this process, individuals struggle to resolve unconscious clashes themselves and develop more acceptable ways of coping with their problems. Self-understanding is accomplished through analysis of childhood experiences that are restructured, understood, and explored. The understanding helps bring about changes in feelings and actions. By discovering unconscio us material through dream interpretation or other means, people can deal with different issues and problems in their lives in an improved manner (Chan, et al., 2004). As a result of psychoanalytic therapy, individuals become aware of themselves and feel more real. Furthermore, due to an improved understanding their own reactions to other people, individuals have better relationships with family, friends, and colleagues (Chan, et al., 2004). In recent years, the contributions of Alfred Adler have gained great

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Event Tracing for LDAP Applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Event Tracing for LDAP Applications - Essay Example The supported way of eccessing such information is the Idapclient list. By means of the Idaplist command is the best method to show that a client is communicating with the LDAP server. The simplest form, Idaplist will without arguments dump every container on the server. So long as these containers exist, then this will work. On condition that step 1 works, one may attempt Idaplist password username, or even Idaplist hosts hostname, however, in a case where they consist of immense data then one has to pick a service that is lesser populated, or even pipe them to head or more (IBM, 2012). Solaris operating environment LDAP client back end does return hostnames that are fully qualified for host lookups, for instance hostnames that have been returned by getipnodebyname(3N) as well as gethoatbyname (3N). in a case where the stored name happens to be qualified and containing one dot, the name will be returned by the client as is. For instance, if hostB.eng is the stored name, hostA.domainname is the return name. In a case where the name stored within the LDAP directory happens to be unqualified (contains no dot) the client back end then appends the domain part to the name. For instance, if hostA is the stored name, hostA.domainname is the return name. In a case where the name of the DNS domain is not similar to the LDAP domain name, the service of LDAP naming cannot be used in serving host names except where host names get to be stored fully qualified (ORACLE, 2011). LDAP clients make use ofpam(3) modules for authentication of users during logins. Where using standard UNIXTM PAM Module, password gets to be read from the server as well as checked on client side. The following are some of the reasons why this may fail: LDAP database does rely upon indexes for improvement of search performance. Performance degradation will occur where indexes are not configured properly. Common attributes sets are contained within documentation that are need to be