Monday, November 4, 2019

Couseling theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Couseling theories - Essay Example The Adlerian approach, on the other hand, stresses on social context and lifestyle of human beings that can help them cope with their problems. It also deals with the significance of early experiences and family constellations in the life of an individual. The Gestalt approach emphasizes on the improvement of the whole rather than enhancing separate parts of the individual to help people cope with their problems. Similarly, it aims at incorporating feelings, cognitions, beliefs, and perceptions and past, present and future occurrences to facilitate in developing self-awareness and desired life needs. Counseling Theories Counseling is a commonly used expression, but it usually means different things to different people. Generally, counseling is explained as encompassing a counseling relationship in which an expert interacts with a person or group of people who are looking for help in dealing with problems and making changes in their lives (Corey, 2000). A number of theories usually di rect the process of counseling, assisting in the understanding of behavior and designing of intervention programs that hold promise for achieving the desired outcomes. Theories vary based on numerous aspects. A few need an active participation of the therapist, while others place more responsibility on the client. A few emphasize on transforming cognitive activity, while others emphasize on observable behavior or inner feelings. Theories also differ in where they think most of the action occurs: the present, the past or the future (Sharf, 1999). Within counseling, psychoanalytically and psychodynamically based interventions are illustrious due to focus on the significance of early experience and the role of unconscious mental functioning. In the psychoanalytical approach, individuals are mainly determined by early experiences and unconscious forces and conflicts are fundamental in the existing behavior. According to the psychoanalytic perspective, illogical forces are powerful and t he individual is motivated by sexual and aggressive impulses. Psychoanalysts postulate that early development is of great significance because later personality issues are embedded in repressed childhood conflicts. The main idea of this perspective is that regular personality development is founded on successful working out and combination of psychosexual stages of development. On the other hand, damaged personality development is due to poor resolution of certain stage (Ricu, 2003). Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic interventions are formulated to bring about transformation in an individual’s personality and character. In this process, individuals struggle to resolve unconscious clashes themselves and develop more acceptable ways of coping with their problems. Self-understanding is accomplished through analysis of childhood experiences that are restructured, understood, and explored. The understanding helps bring about changes in feelings and actions. By discovering unconscio us material through dream interpretation or other means, people can deal with different issues and problems in their lives in an improved manner (Chan, et al., 2004). As a result of psychoanalytic therapy, individuals become aware of themselves and feel more real. Furthermore, due to an improved understanding their own reactions to other people, individuals have better relationships with family, friends, and colleagues (Chan, et al., 2004). In recent years, the contributions of Alfred Adler have gained great

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