Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Speech Speech Polarity Detection - 3602 Words

Title Speech Polarity Detection submitted by Yadav Swati Satyadev IU1351070011 supervised by Hemant A. Patil ASOCIATE PROFESSOR Thesis Submitted to Indus University Master of Technology DIGITAL COMMUNICATION INDUS INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY RANCHARDA, AHMEDABAD Certificate Acknowledgements I would like to express my deep sense of respect and gratitude towards my guide Dr. Hemant. A. Patil who has been the guiding force behind this project. I want to thank him for giving me the opportunity to work under him. I consider it my good fortune to have got an opportunity to work with such a wonderful person. Without his experience and insights it would have been very difficult for quality work. I am deeply indebted to my guide Prof. Vrushank Shah for his constant motivation. I am also thankful to the authors whose works I have consulted and quoted in this work. My affectionate thanks are due to my family and my seniors at DA-IICT who made me able to do such work. SWATI YADAV (IU1351070011) List of Figures Figure 1: Glottal flow with its Derivative Adapted from [B1] 1 Figure 2: Speech Production Model. Adapted from [B1] 3 Figure 3: Framework of speech polarity detection [4] 8 Figure 4: Algorithm of Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering [8] 10 Figure 5: (a) original speech signal, (b) negative polarity speech signal 12 Figure 6: (a) glottal wave of positive speech signal,Show MoreRelatedThe And Information Centric View Of Text Analysis970 Words   |  4 Pages2008; Cummins et al.2010). Opinion mining is growing area as people are sharing their views, opinions experiences online. Automatic detection and analysis of opinions around products, brands, political issues etc. is a challenging task. An opinion lexicon is a list of opinion expressions or set of adjectives, which are used to indicate opinion/sentiment polarity like positive, negative and neutral. These lexicons were grown by synonyms in WordNet. 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